Power of Technology in the Classroom


[…] is this applicable for? While each student may come in with a different experience level, each one will have a level of understanding of how to use new technologies. Depending on the grade level, the types of technology and the frequency it’s integrated may vary. Let’s look at how this could be applied to […]

Empowering Indigenous Futures


[…] like access to education and opportunities, but there are some underlying factors we discovered when it comes to success in these programs and overall retention in their new jobs. While training programs and career connections are amazing, some may not have the foundation or be in the right mindset to pursue and find success […]

Harnessing Technology to Capture Indigenous Stories and Traditions


[…] this knowledge for the history books. It’s about restoring pride and identity in Indigenous people and strengthening nations for generations to come. Recognizing the challenges of the new age and the importance of cultural preservation, there is great opportunity in leveraging new technology to capture knowledge and share it through this medium. Celebrating Indigenous […]

Indigenous History Month


[…] me hopeful that more and more people are taking individual action towards reconciliation.” Progress towards reconciliation The increase in discussions we see around reconciliation is still somewhat new. While there may be a lot more messages on social media and more topics covered in the news, there is still a lot of progress to […]

Exploring the Intersection: Personality Dimensions and the Medicine Wheel


[…] diminishing others, constantly evolving one’s “plaid” over time. Recognizing the plaid nature of personality underscores the capacity for growth and change. It suggests that individuals can develop new aspects of their personality, adapt to different environments, and find balance among their various traits. Understanding of Personality from an Indigenous Perspective It is said that […]

Spotlight Story: ORIGIN’s Operation Innovation 2.0


[…] always easy, but the support and training I received gave me the confidence to pursue my goals. Earning my certifications in heavy equipment operations has opened up new opportunities for me, and I’m proud to be setting an example for my community. Walking this path has shown me that we can overcome challenges and […]