About the Project

Building upon our proven success in Operation Innovation (2017-2021), where we screened 400 Indigenous job seekers from 47 different First Nations using our First People First process, trained 84 and successfully placed 76 into employment within the sector, ORIGIN is taking a next-level approach to screening and recruitment for training to employment initiatives.

The goal of Operation Innovation 2.0 is to screen, train and employ 178 Indigenous individuals using our innovative First People First approach along with our mobile heavy equipment simulators and more importantly, our newly created Virtual Reality Learning Management System (VRLMS);

Our VRLMS is developed to allow job seekers to demonstrate aptitude and learned skills in virtual work environments, prior to investing into training.  Our VR-based, employment assessments are designed to ultimately, improve personal success for the job seeker and increased retention for employers.

Who can get involved?

We will be looking to engage Employment and Training partners and job seekers in strategic areas aligned with the needs of our established employer partners. Our goal is to build a path for success and employment in various positions.

Job Seekers

Are you looking for a new career opportunity? Learn more about how to register with the O.I. 2.0 program and the eligibility criteria.

View Opportunities

Employment & Training Partners

Work with newly created virtual employment assessments to recruit and train Indigenous job seekers.

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Industry Partners

Increase your Indigenous workforce with the support of the ORIGIN team and our Employment & Training Partners.

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Project Partners

Contact the Operation Innovation Team