West Edition, Issue 15
The latest edition of the newsletter features more on the sacred medicine, sage, exciting updates from our teams, news on events, community highlights, and a special product demo.
The latest edition of the newsletter features more on the sacred medicine, sage, exciting updates from our teams, news on events, community highlights, and a special product demo.
As a proud member of the Red Rock Indian Band, I was born and raised on Lake Helen Reserve and am the co-founder of ORIGIN. I have always seen my cultural heritage as a cornerstone of my professional journey and leadership style. During Indigenous History Month, I reflect on how deeply our careers are intertwined […]
While economic reconciliation is only a portion of the overall reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada, it is an important piece of the puzzle. Not only for its economic impacts but also giving back power to Indigenous communities. Defined by Reconciliation Canada, “economic reconciliation aims to create meaningful partnerships and mutually beneficial opportunities […]
Includes a teaching from Elder Marilyn on the East direction. Check out what the ORIGIN team has been up to and highlights from the ImmersiveLink team!
Unleashing Potential through the Wake the Warrior Program’s Holistic Journey to Career Mastery From Indigenous engagement services to recruiting to training, I have had many experiences engaging with communities and their members in some work-related capacity. With these years of experience, there were things I noticed that were consistent across communities that I visited and […]
Learn more about the Northern Direction with a teaching from Cindy Crowe. Includes updates from ORIGIN, along with other highlights!
Get the latest updates on what the ORIGIN team has been up to! Includes a teaching on the North direction from Cindy Crowe.
Indigenous nations are rich in culture and in history. From ceremonies to food and clothing to values, the history of Indigenous culture ties back to community and to the land. The way these practices were passed down was through oral storytelling. Storytelling was a way to connect individuals to their communities and piece together generations […]
A large part of bringing the community together comes through gatherings, ceremonies and celebrations. This can include dances, general events, dinners, pow wows and more. These celebrations have been traditional in communities since they were formed and continue to grow and adapt to the modern day. Since there was a time when Indigenous people were […]
Including a teaching from Cindy Crowe on the West direction, get up to date on what’s happening at ORIGIN! From new productions to workshops, the team has kept busy over the last month.
Everyone’s personality is made up of unique traits and characteristics formed by their environment, friends, family, experiences, and culture. While it may seem like we are all so different, it’s been proven that certain personality types will present certain strengths and features over others. Understanding the different personality dimensions can assist you in building better […]