Winter is a time for storytelling. In the winter we tell our stories and share our adventures with our families passing down knowledge and lessons learned from that year; as Anishnabe people, our work is done in the spring, summer and fall. During these seasons we travel to gather with loved ones from afar and we celebrate new beginnings, we hunt, gather and forage for food to help us get through the harshest season of the year.  If you were unable to during our other seasons, winter gives us a second chance to provide; ice fishing and trapping are activities that keep our greatest hunters busy, during this time.

But for the most part, winter is about rest; the snow is like a blanket for our mother earth; beneath it, lies plants, trees, animals, and water who are all preparing for new beginnings. The snow is like a blanket and helps everything to regenerate and rest, so that we can begin our cycle of preparation again – and when we hear the sparrow whistle, we know spring is upon us.

When we call on the spirits and offer tobacco to help us in mind body and spirit, they come from the North direction and travel to the east, south and west, and come to rest again in the North until the next time they are called upon. This is where our spirits rest.

Nathan Moses – North Man – Keewatinoo-ninay

Nathan is a local knowledge keeper, when he is needed in the community he is always there. You will be sure to see him on your journey to live Maadziwin.  The story of his name is a private one, but if you run into him in the community or on the pow wow trail with his son at their drum Keewatinoo-Anemkii, go see him, sit and listen, he has much to share.  


Indigenous Engagement and Training

Train the Trainer in Timmins

In early January, ORIGIN travelled to Timmins to build capacity within Mushkegowuk Employment and Training and Moose Cree Employment and Training Unit. During our three days, we had employment counsellors and other key staff become certified in our First People First approach. Our First People First approach is an innovative and comprehensive assessment process that is used to pre-screen individuals for pre-training and employment to encourage success and retention in chosen training paths.

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Wake the Warrior with Wiikwemkoong First Nation

In December, ORIGIN travelled to Wiikwemkoong First Nation to deliver the Wake the Warrior certificate program. We worked with community members to discover natural skills and abilities; provide information and techniques on changing negative core beliefs to positive ones and how to align and apply our Grandfather Teachings with Ethics in the workplace, relating them to soft skills (that over 94% of employers are looking for) inline with work readiness.

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Career Exploration with Marten Falls Youth

ORIGIN joined the Ministry of Mines on a trip to Marten Falls where our team spent time introducing mining experiences in VR to youth and community members using our ImmersiveLink Career Exploration Tool. One thing ORIGIN can do best, is get people out to community events! Our unique technology and innovative approaches always draw a crowd!

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Truth and Reconciliation Education Program

As part of our Indigenous Perspectives project (focused on storytelling in VR), ORIGIN youth have been participating in a Truth and Reconciliation education program, in which they are learning about the past, present, and future of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Currently, our youth are working on a totem pole, representing the first ceremony forbidden during colonization, the Potlatch ceremony. The group consists of youth from our 360 video boot camp we hosted last summer.

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Big Grassy Skills Inventory

ORIGIN has been working with Big Grassy First Nation to create a Skills Inventory for the community. The intent is to create an informed training plan for both Ontario Works and employment offices to administer over the next year. This inventory takes a deep dive on the community, identities gaps and opportunities for employment through traditional routes as well as social enterprise and entrepreneurship that can provide jobs for those who are best suited to stay and work in-community for community.

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Building Job Search Skills with Eabametoong First Nation

Helping job seekers build their job search skills is what we did when visiting Eabametoong First Nation in late January. Our hands-on interactive workshop engages job seekers to learn how to build their resumes based on their natural skills and abilities as well as learning skills achieved in employment opportunities. The workshop also introduces interview skills and practice sessions, so once they get the interview they are prepared and confident to move forward!

ESUMA ImmersiveLink Tours

We are excited to announce another collaboration with ESUMA! During our second project, we will be producing a virtual tour of two educational facilities in Montreal. Similar to our first tour project, this tool will serve as a virtual orientation for new Nunavik students coming to Montreal. Through this VR experience, they will be able to learn more about the Nunavut Sivuniksavut college layout, residences, and the support services offered by Katavik Illisarniliriniq.

The Sharing Circle with Melissa Hardy-Giles


Transforming Career & Cultural Exploration

January 17, 2023

In Transforming Career & Cultural Exploration, Melissa reflects on her career journey and how ORIGIN came to be. She shares her insights about the different tools including VR experiences and the value of training workshops in your journey towards work readiness

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Upcoming Events

Little NHL

March 12-16

We will be joining Indigenous Tourism Ontario at this year’s Little NHL tournament. Come stop by our trailer and test out ImmersiveLink!

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Community Spotlight

In collaboration with Fort William First Nation, our team has hosted a variety of training and workshops including Pro Skills, Life Skills, and Job Readiness as well as youth programs. From heavy equipment screening to Indigenous Perspectives, we have had the opportunity to make some amazing connections in the local community.

Keep an eye out for some upcoming workshop opportunities that will be open to the community! We have HEO simulators, Work Ethic and the Grandfather Teachings workshops coming up. To find out about more events happening in the area, visit:

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Service Highlight

Wake the Warrior Workshop Series

“I thought the Wake the Warrior Workshop was very introspective and it gave me a good perception of myself, my own skills, personality and what I need to build on.”

Justin Pelletier, Wake the Warrior Participant

The Wake the Warrior Workshop series empowers individuals with tools and skills to increase their work readiness. The program consists of a series of workshops that focus on building soft skills, professionalism, conflict management and  lateral violence management in the workplace. 

If this sounds like it could be the right fit for your community, contact our team today for more information!

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