West Direction, Issue 8


Including a teaching from Cindy Crowe on the West direction, get up to date on what’s happening at ORIGIN! From new productions to workshops, the team has kept busy over the last month.

South Edition, Issue 6


This edition includes a teaching from Knowledge Keeper, Cindy Crowe. Check out the updates from the Indigenous Engagement team and the exciting new projects the IL team is working on behind the scenes.

South Edition, Issue 5


This edition includes a teaching from Knowledge Keeper, Cindy Crowe. Check out the updates from the Indigenous Engagement team and the exciting new projects the IL team is working on behind the scenes.

East Edition, Issue 4


This edition includes an additional teaching from Knowledge Keepers, Jordan Quequish and Reena Larabee about the spring. Learn more about what the ORIGIN team has been up to and new projects underway!