Cedar (Giizhik)

Cedar has many uses. As a medicine, cedar can be used in baths or in tea as a source of vitamin C. Drinking this tea will be a good energizer as well.

In ceremonies, cedar can be used in the Sacred fire. When it is put in the fire, it crackles. This crackling is the sound of the waking up the spirits to your offering.

When cedar in used in a sweat lodge it provides protection. Cedar is very powerful medicine and is common in many traditional practices.

Sources: Downie Wenjack, Anishnawbe Health Toronto


Indigenous Engagement and Training

Onigaming Work Readiness + VIP Job Search

The team returned to Onigaming First Nation to deliver a combination of work readiness workshops with the addition of VIP Job Search. Those in attendance were able to brush up on skills needed in the workplace, explore careers, and learn more about how traditional teachings connect to workplace ethics.

Niisaachewan Custom Life Skills

We were brought in by the Ontario Works team in Niisaachewan First Nation to deliver a custom Life Skills workshop. While our workshops offer a well rounded program introducing topics and teaching key skills, we understand your clients may have specific needs. Creating a customized extension to our offerings is a great way to build off of current programming in your community!

Wake the Warrior Life Skills Week in Owen Sound

Returning to the HAAMB office, we had the opportunity to run Level 1 of the Wake the Warrior program: Life Skills. This series includes workshops on Core Beliefs, Connecting to Culture, Lateral Violence and Conflict Resolution.

Operation Innovation SIMS: Crossroads Employment & M'Chigeeng First Nation

Randy made a few stops over the past two months with the simulator trailer. At these stops, participants interested in heavy equipment operation had the opportunity to test their aptitude on the heavy equipment simulators and complete an initial intake assessment.

Wake the Warrior: Work Readiness in Webequie First Nation

We received a warm welcome as we returned to Webequie First Nation. Colette ran the Work Readiness level of the Wake the Warrior program covering ImmersiveLink Careers, VIP Employee, and ImmersiveLink 7 Career Ethics. With a combination of cultural education and career exploration, participants had a chance to refresh key work readiness skills.

Operation Innovation Intake: Northwest Employment Works

Randy and Mindy had a great turnout at this Operation Innovation intake session! Everyone in attendance participated in intake interviews and tried their hand at heavy equipment operation with the simulators.

Youth Workshop in Hiawatha First Nation

As an addition to Hiawatha’s Youth LIVE Employment, Colette was invited to facilitate the Work Readiness series with participating youth. Through a series of hands-on activities, VR exploration, and presentations, youth learned key skills to prep them for the workplace. It was awesome to see all the youth collaborate with different activities and get excited about possible career opportunities.

ImmersiveLink Updates

CN Rail

The production team travelled to Montreal for an exciting shoot at the CN railyard! Capturing footage for 12 different roles, this experience will cover the specifics of each individual role and showcasing how they rely on each other to keep everything moving in the yard. Stay tuned for a behind-the-scenes look at how this experience was filmed.


The Material Handler and Tailgate Safety Meeting experiences are in post-production and are being finalized for release! These experiences highlight team members involved in the warehouse and important safety precautions and discussions that occur on a regular basis to keep the team safe.

The Sharing Circle with Melissa Hardy-Giles


Power of Technology in Education

August 12th, 2024

Focusing on integrations of technology in the classroom, discussing how it can benefit students and teachers, and how to prepare for changes.

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Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek First Nation 

When we first started having conversations with Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek, they were looking for a new way to engage with community members that would bring in attendance and leave them with useful skills moving forward. We recommended our Wake the Warrior series which covers 3 levels: Life Skills, Work Readiness, and Self Care. This series provides a well-rounded experience teaching individuals skills they can apply in their personal life and in the workplace.

Our team looks forward to kicking off this series starting August 6th! The schedule is as follows:

Life Skills: August 6th to 9th

Work Readiness: August 13th to 15th

Interested in registering? Have further questions? Please contact Charmaine for more information.

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Service Highlight

ImmersiveLink Careers

ImmersiveLink Careers was born out of a need for an accessible career exploration tool. It was important that this tool could showcase a variety of different careers and give job seekers a well-rounded perspective on available opportunities. For potential employees, IL experiences give them insight into the day-in-the-life of different positions and what skills they will need to get there. For organizations, these experiences are an impactful tool to use for marketing and recruitment.

IL Careers Library

IL Careers provides a multi-sensory experience to enhance the understanding of a job role and worksite; to create motivation, spark confidence and determine suitability/fit through an individual’s own lens. Accessible on a subscription basis.

IL Careers Production

Show the world what excites your organization about the work that they do! End users get to follow a day-in-the-life through a 360° video experience. These experiences are fully customizable, and we work with your team every step of the way to make sure we get it just right.

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Interested in learning more?

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